The Shocking CBC

Forget Jian Ghomeshi. CBC Radio One has me reeling this weekend. Yesterday, Sook-Yin Lee was covering the topic of pilgrimage on Definitely Not the Opera, and today on Tapestry, they've crossed the predictable line and were talking about spirituality and film. (Finally. The best course instructor I had in my Masters taught film and theology--yes, you, Adelmo Dunghe, SJ!) You can hear the podcasts at DNTO and Tapestry.

Lights, Camera, Religion!

Photo Credit: Jessica Diamond
Season 20: Episode 18
Can Saturday night at the movies remind you of Sunday morning at church or Friday night at temple? Sure thing, if you see Martin Scorcese's Raging Bull a passion play and the goofy comedy Groundhog Day as a deeply religious film. In this episode, we explore the movie theatre as a place of worship.
When you go to the movies, are you tapping into some kind of religious experience? Our guests tackles that question. John Lyden is the editor of The Journal of Religion and FilmGeoff Pevere is a writer and critic in Toronto.
John and Geoff see spirituality in these classics:
The Rocky Horror Picture Show 
Grounhog Day
The Star Wars Trilogy
The world of Star Trek 


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