CD Recom: CRAZY!

Crazy, by my fave people in leather I Furiosi, is their new cd of baroque music. This is icing to the cake of their previous cd's Defiled is My (Middle) Name (2005)-- I don't know which I like better! Produced by Dorian Sono Luminus, this record does have a different sound to it, but what is consistent is the ensemble's ability to draw the listener in as much through the technology as they do in live performances; I'm pretty sure I've seen them perform the first piece, Sonata Decima a 3 by Dario Castello (1590-1644), and the recorded version just sucks you right in. I'm not a huge fan of the inclusion of pieces that diverge from the original genre, but Leonard Cohen's Suzanne really works here. I Furiosi do that successfully in concert, too. They have guest artists, including the wonderful Stephanie Martin on organ, and I must say that Gabrielle McLaughlin is one of the few soprani I like to hear. Normally I find them grating, but she has such a different quality to her voice (boy soprano? something original anyway), that she always makes me sit up and take notice. And I figure if she can please picky ol' opinionated me, she must be good! And of course the strings by Felix Deak, Aisslinn Nosky and Julia Wedman are gorgeous. It's lovely to have two of their cds to chill out with now. I'll keep you posted about their upcoming concert season, as I did last year. And really exciting::: ck out the cool video on YouTube! It's awesome!


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