In(ner) Activity

Current News and Happenings
The Good Fight presents: Our theme of In(ner)Activity is a play on the overall theme of Chicago Artists Month - Interactivity. In(ner)Activity is a better description of the common bond we have, the creative spark that connects us and moves us forward. We are having an exhibition of local visual artists from many backgrounds and disciplines connected by that one thing - Light. As Christians we have a common source from which we explore our faith, doubts, fears and triumphs. Each one has a spark of creative brilliance and by coming together we will shine an even brighter. This little Light o' mine is about encouraging artists to unveil their God-given brilliance despite the obstacles of poor finances, community, lack of training and limited access to technology. Some of the artists that will be presenting are:
Jason Stebbings - 3D/furniture & graphics
Raquel Soto - Author & motivational speaker
Hector E. Soto - Fine artist
Monica Kass Rogers - Illustration
Ryan Patrick Clarke - Photography
Myth - Illustration
Please join us for an evening of inspiration and discussion. Together we will shine on even brighter! October 8th at Evanston Vineyard Church. For more info check us out on Facebook or contact Michael at 312.282.6752.
is part of Chicago ArtistsMonth 2009, the fourteenth annual celebration of Chicago’s vibrant visual artcommunity organized by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and made possible through Support Provided by Bank of America. For more information, visit

The Who and the Why.
An online community where we can all come together for greater illumination on the issues of faith and art. Light is where it all began. God Himself said "let there be light" before He began his grand work of creation. Imagine turning on the light at a drawing board, desk or to a recital room. Nothing is there but the raw materials needed to begin, but the light needed to be on before the work could begin. Now the light is on, you can truly see and the work can begin.
©2008 Worth the Fight - The Vision of the Good Fight. All Rights Reserved.


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