Opera on the Rocks
Have you been promising yourself--or your partner--that yeah, one day you'll go to the opera but up til now, like Norm in Cheers, you really haven't been able to get your rear off a bar stool and actually go? Well, now you have no more excuses! Opera AND a pint! The Ambient Opera Society, as part of the Fringe, is presenting 'guerilla opera'--stories unfolding on barstools amongst the audience at the Pauper's Pub. It stars some of my faves from modern opera companies such as Neil Aronoff, Neema Bickersteth, Jessica Lloyd and Keith Klassen, and David Ogborn's music is set to libretto by Leanna Brodie, Dave Carley, Lisa Codrington and Krista Dalby. I liked their use of space and the atmosphere is intimate yet professional. The content is very Canadian and very funny (and not intended for children). Don't miss it--you'll love it no matter what your musical or theatrical preferences are. Tickets are $10, there's food and of course drink available, and the show runs July 5 & 12 at 4pm, and July 2-4, 6, 8-11 & 13 at 9pm. Go here for more info. Please note there IS a 9pm show on Tuesday the 8th which was omitted from the Fringe guide.